Everything is GREAT, so why doesn’t it feel great?
The Great Resignation, The Great Attrition, The Great Burnout.... and now a move to The Great Adaptation according to this article - and podcast episode - from McKinsey & Co. that gives insight from recent research into why leaders must adapt to prevent more loss of talent.
If you don’t have time to read or listen here are the highlights from our perspective…
Why are people leaving?
“It’s not me, it’s you”: Its not a desire for work-life balance, physical or mental health, lack of money etc. it’s a lack of feeling valued, acknowledged, and belonging.
I’m not planning to quit, but I might…
The McKinsey research showed that 60% weren’t planning to quit but that wasn’t a reason for employers to sit back and relax. 40% is still a high level planning to quit. They highlighted the tensions of expectation to return to the office versus understanding the benefits of enabling employees with flexibility and accountability to manage their space and time. If these elements weren’t present or on the table then they just might quit.
Outcomes not outputs
It’s not about the number of slides in a presentation, it’s the positive outcomes and results achieved from that presentation. That may only be a three page presentation. Measuring on productivity and not results might just equate to busy fools and 50 page presentations with no results.
Flexible flexibility
Adopting a test and learn culture allows for flexibility in the future of how we do things. It achieves flexibility and autonomy for employees while allowing leaders and employers to have parameters within which to work and measure against outcomes.
Easy? Hmmmm…
If you need advice on 'how' to do this, and how to coach your business leaders and management team to do this, talk to us. Building and engaging your business talent is the reason we bounce out of bed every day, it's our smashed avocado on toast and the oat milk to our latte...
King & Co provides your managers with tailored HR and people advisory services to handle the tricky stuff (and tricky people). Then we back it up with coaching to enable them to maximise the engagement and productivity of their teams. They’ll be empowered to create lasting change through culture development and adaptation.
Isn't that "Great"? We think so. Let's get to work.