It may sound odd but sometimes an employee with no apparent ambitions is worth their weight in gold to your business.

You wouldn’t expect a Clydesdale to win the New Zealand Derby and you wouldn’t harness a thoroughbred to a brewer’s dray. So, just because one of your employees isn’t desperate to climb the corporate ladder don’t assume they must be disengaged.
In every company we’ve worked with over the last two decades, we’ve found dedicated employees who just want to do a good day’s work for a decent wage and a good office atmosphere.
They quietly turn out consistently good work, seldom complain, and don’t let you down in the crunch times.
There’s a risk though. That apparent lack of ambition can fool leaders into thinking these employees are disengaged.
No matter how quietly they go about their tasks they still need recognition, support, and opportunities to grow their skills.
Feed the horses if you want them to keep pulling the wagon.
Who are the “unsung heroes” who keep your business going through tough times? How do you acknowledge their quiet contribution?


Meri Kirihimete! 🎅


What’s your view on counteroffers?