Welcome to King & Co.,

where two decades of dedicated collaboration with businesses like yours and individuals like you have shaped our commitment to excellence. Founded by Bernadette King, our journey began by assisting global recruitment companies in expanding their service provisions to clients.

Over the years, we've witnessed a transformative shift in the world of work—from traditional command and control structures to collaborative innovation and the recent rise of a 'remotely connected' landscape.

In the dynamic world of business, some fundamental principles stand the test of time, and foremost among them is the crucial role of your people and their performance. Rather than delving into abstract discussions about the changing world, we concentrate on the lasting impact of your team and your steadfast commitment to enhance it.

As a no-nonsense organisation we know your time is limited and often, you have bigger fish to fry in your business. So we step in, we seamlessly integrate into your operations, treating your business as our own. Your people become our people, and we immerse ourselves in optimising performance—aligning the right talent, developing strategic growth plans, supporting managers in enhancing their teams, and eliminating obstacles that hinder progress.

At King & Co., we embrace a no-nonsense approach. We recognise that your priorities are vast, and our mission is to alleviate your burdens. We're not here to be a permanent fixture; we're here to be the catalyst for positive change within your organisation.

Built on the aspiration to create a lasting impact in businesses through the cultivation of talent, King & Co. believes that while you may need us now, our goal is to empower you to thrive independently in the long run. Welcome to a partnership rooted in building businesses through business talent.


Does your business have gender pay gaps?


What can King & Co., offer your Business?