Proposed changes to the Holidays Act 2003
Exciting news is on the horizon! The government has proposed updates to the Holidays Act 2003 to better support employees and employers alike. Here's a quick rundown of the key proposed changes:
1. Annual Leave Entitlements
Employees will be able to take annual leave in advance from their first day of employment.
Clearer rules on how and when annual leave entitlements are calculated and applied.
2. Public Holidays
Enhanced clarity on pay entitlements for working on public holidays, including simplified calculations for time and a half and alternative holidays.
3. Sick Leave
Sick leave entitlements will be more consistent, ensuring employees have access to necessary leave from the start of their employment.
4. Bereavement Leave
Expansion of bereavement leave entitlements to cover more family relationships and modern family structures.
5. Parental Leave
Improved processes for transferring parental leave entitlements between partners and more flexible options for employees returning to work.
6. Record Keeping
Employers will have clearer guidelines on record-keeping requirements, ensuring transparency and ease of access to leave records for both parties.
These proposed changes aim to make leave entitlements fairer and easier to understand for everyone. Stay tuned for further updates as the proposal progresses through consultation and legislative processes.